
Published on January 9th, 2020 | by Daniel Boyle


Sport/Life – Most Popular Posts 2019

2019 saw Canberra Walks posts take most of the top spots.

Here is the annual look at what people came to see on the Sport/Life website. This year the Canberra Walks style of post was the most popular, taking nine of the top 10 places.

Canberra Walks – Rob Roy and Big Monks

As I’ve mentioned previously, for a walk that is not all that interesting, this post has received a lot of love over the years. This past year I finally revisited the area, which I was able to add a couple more posts to the collection.

Canberra Walks – Butters Bridge

This has climbed a space from last year and is still outstanding on places I’d like to go back and explore. The area is already starting to build up further, so it will make a bit more sense to have this giant bridge which is currently in the middle of nowhere.

Canberra Walks – Cotter Bend – Cotter Cave

This will be another one to head to once the smoke clears up and we get some decent walking weather. There are plenty of walks around the Cotter area and some I am yet to explore, particularly beyond here and onto the Bullen Range.

Canberra Walks – Mugga Mugga Nature Reserve

This is another that has followed on from last year. As a matter of fact it’s kept the same place in the chart. An interesting place and last time I headed that way there were a few new tracks around.

Canberra Walks – The Gooroorayoo Five

I was happy to manage these five hills within Gooroorayoo Nature Reserve in the one go. The area has changed a lot now that the suburb of Throsby has built up significantly. I haven’t been there since they’ve put in new fences and entrances in that area. Probably worth a look in the near future.

This post didn’t get a mention in the top 10 last year, so it’s a big improver.

Canberra Walks – Isaacs Ridge

There’s quite a fun park down by the Isaacs shops, and this is a pretty good walk. There’s quite a few others you can connect this with, including the aforementioned Mugga Mugga. There’s also a bunch of mountain bike trails in the area which I look forward to exploring further some time.

Heavy Crash for Chilean Henrik Von Appen

The only story of the year not related to walking around Canberra that made it to the top 10. Downhill skiing is a dangerous sport and Chile’s Henrik Von Appen has found out the hard way a number of times. Crash type stories seems to bring a lot of visitors. This is the first year that Irene Aravena’s crash hasn’t made the top posts of the year, five years after a terrible crash at the South American Games.

Canberra Walks – Mt Rogers

My local hill these days, so I can and probably will write a lot more about it in the future. There’s a good bunch of tracks you can do to explore the areas around Flynn, Melba, Spence, Charnwood and further on.

Canberra Walks – Percival Hill

This is another fairly local hill, I have walked there from home and been up it on the bike a number of times this past year. Both this posts were about walks done before moving to the area, but there’ll be plenty more visits ahead so don’t be surprised to see them mentioned again.

They are doing some fairly heavy construction in this area so I’m not sure what the access is like at the moment.

Canberra Walks – Red Rocks Gorge Lookout

This is a walk we did do celebrate my birthday, maybe five or so years back. It’s on the way between Kambah Pool and Pine Island, which is one section of the Centenary Trail that I have not completed. It’s on the to do list!

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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