
Published on January 12th, 2025 | by Daniel Boyle


Shred Til You’re Dead Footbag Jam to Kick off New Footbag Year

Los Angeles will play host to the “Shred til You’re Dead” Footbag Jam, which will open the year for footbag gatherings in the USA.

The event has attracted quite a turnout, with organiser Johnny Sara building upon the success of last year’s event.

On the other side of the world, the Finnish Footbag Open will take place on January 11 with action for singles and doubles net matches.

The Shred Til You’re Dead jam in LA will take place from January 17-19

To find out a bit more about the action in LA, we’ve had a chat with Johnny Sara.

You’ve got the jam happening in LA pretty soon – what are you most excited about?

What I’m most excited about for the NYJ is bringing so many people together in our community.  We all share a common interest and that’s footbag. Once we get past the initial hype of the sport itself, we soon then sink deeper into our long nurtured relationships and memories we’ve built over the years. The New Years Jam often feels like a juggernaut of momentum for the next get together.

You had a similar jam last year – how did that go?

Last year’s jam went off beyond my wildest expectations. I’ve helped with the Detroit NYJ many years over but 2024’s Shred Is Not Dead in LA was my first time hosting an event entirely by myself. I had only expected 6 or 7 people to attend the jam since events have been kinda quiet on the west coast, but I think we nearly eclipsed 20 attendees!

How’s your own game going? I read you had some big injury troubles

My game has ebbed and flowed. I battled a whirlwind of injuries including patellar tendonitis during Covid but rebounded to a near 100% after rigorous PT and dedication. Although I will say I’m now taking on a hamstring injury from Worlds and SuperBall 2024.  The only way to keep playing the sport into our elder years is by taking care of it and knowing when to slow down and rest at times.

There’s going to be more of a focus on kicking together rather than contests – do you think that will attract more people?

I think the idea of more “sideline” shred and circle kicking is gonna have a greater appeal to players all around. Heavier competition has its place but creating a more relaxed footbag atmosphere with friendly events is a wonderful segway to start a new year of shred.  I also want to keep everyone moving, playing, flowing from one shred circle to the next and get as many contacts with other players as they can; a loaded weekend of competitions can kinda sabotage that.

You will kick at some pretty public places like Venice Beach – what kind of reaction do the passerbys have to footbag?

Venice Beach is quite the iconic place to shred some footbag! I think that is one of the greatest appeals to players and the passerbyers are in great abundance! We can showcase our sport and last year we had an audience. So many people stopped in their tracks to watch the surreal talent we brought in and many joined us for friendly hack circles too!

What else is coming up for you this year in footbag?

The 2025 footbag season is beginning with the NYJ in LA and then hoping to see a few other jams pop up or IFPA events around the states. Last year was big with myself hosting NYJ, then attending US Open in Boise, Worlds in Montreal, and finally SuperBall in Liberec, Czech Republic!  As long as my dex cannons keep me ripwalking, you’ll be sure to have my attendance at footbag events!

What do you recommend to any footbag players visiting California?

STREET TACOS!  We are so close to the Mexican/US border and so many families bring their amazing recipes and traditions to Southern California that it’s a must-try!  It’s woven into the culture with handmade tortillas from mesa, unique salsas, rich spices in the pastor or whatever dish one chooses. But if you want those tacos to-go, try the ocean for a surf session or hike in the mountains or both on the same day!

Anything else to add?

There’s been some chit-chat in the community about our sport dwindling at times and Jim Penske, a master of footbag as well as unparallelled longevity, has said our sport goes through phases. He believes confidently that it’s not going anywhere and that directly influenced my 2024 jam slogan “Shred Is Not Dead.”  I also wanted to reinforce that statement this year by naming the 2025 event  “Shred TIll You’re Dead” so we could drive home that footbag, our community, friendships, and every shredder of the globe are eternally connected through the stitch biscuit.


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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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