
Published on January 6th, 2019 | by Daniel Boyle


Sport/Life – Plans for 2018 Review

At the start of 2018 I made a post setting out some ideas for the year ahead. This post will look at progress on those fronts.

Chilean Sports News

This was varied, early in the year I was able to cover the visit of Nicolas Jarry at the Canberra Challenger. I also met Hans Podlipnik one evening. I have been keeping an eye on proceedings, but haven’t been making so many posts. I see that Tomas Barrios is currently in Canberra for the Challenger, while Jarry and Christian Garin will play the Australian Open.

The Chilean women’s football team did well at the Copa America, setting them up for a debut at the World Cup in France this year. Closer to home, Maria Jose Rojas signed with Canberra United.

In reality I have been paying attention, but haven’t made to many posts in regards to the Chilean sports action. Sometimes something will take my eye, like the progress of Marcelo Diaz and his band of Chileans at Racing Club.

Capital Eyes Vlog

I wasn’t able to do as many as in the first year. In 2017 for quite a time I managed a weekly production line. I did reach the 50 mark though and plan to continue on with those this year. In terms of content, it was more of the same. Walks up hills in Canberra, travel here and there to watch bands, and a coast trip to celebrate my birthday.

Canberra Walks

Just like in 2017, it was the Canberra Walks posts that dominated the list of most read stories for 2018. I have looked in my backlog of photos and I think there will be some new posts coming about old walks, as well as getting out and about on some new walks. I would like to get out further afield into Namadgi and Tidbinbilla so we’ll see what happens with that.

Every Park in Canberra

This was a nice idea, and like many of my nice ideas, it never went anywhere. Every single park around is probably a bit much, but these year I’d like to document all the parks we go to. My guess is the list will be over 100.

Footbag News

I was able to keep up with this a little, but of course I could do more. One thing that I did do and have really enjoyed is the Footbag on Instagram monthly roundup. This is something I will definitely continue to do as I have been really enjoying it. I find Instagram a great platform for footbag and it’s great to see more players using it.

I also had a couple of visitors and hope for some more visitors, or even to do the visiting this time around.

Calendar of Championships

Nice idea, mate. It will probably still be a nice idea next year too. I did actually make some posts, mainly about footbag events, but there’s a lot more to be done in this space.

Family Travel

Didn’t do much in this space either, to be honest. Not sure that I will at this stage. We are planning a long trip in Chile in the future, maybe about 5 years from now. That might be more of a time for that.


In terms of music, there were some vlogs, particulary about my time reliving my younger years gallivanting about and watching The Butterfly Effect. Not related to the site, but I made an effort to listen to more albums that I hadn’t heard before this past year.

So what’s the verdict? I’m not sure really. I’m not putting much promotional activity into things, but people are coming by the site – particularly the Canberra Walks segments. So there will be more of that this year. Definitely continue the footbag on Instagram and see what else takes my interest.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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