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Published on May 21st, 2013 | by Daniel Boyle


Chilean Shooter Francisca Crovetto Takes Silver in Grand Prix Event






Skeet shooter Francisca Crovetto impressed in Italy, finishing with second place in the Italian Green Cup Grand Prix event. The young shooter knocked over two former Olympic champions on her way to the final, with Diana Higaly (Hungary) and Chiara Cainero (Italy) falling by the wayside along her path.

Meeting Italian Katiusca Spadain the final, her 13-16 score was just two short of the local’s 15-16. Crovetto was Chile’s first athlete to qualify for the 2012 Olympics and is seen as a key part of Chile’s sporting future.

Francisca Crovetto (second from right) ahead of London Olympics


Francisca Crovetto – second from right – was Chile’s first athlete to qualify for London 2012.

The event was the third Crovetto had competed on under rule changes from the international federation, making for a tougher contest.

Among the rule changes are an extension of the tie-break, looking to speed up the process.

If at the end of a Trap Medal Match, the two athletes are tied, they will simply continue shooting (without pause) by firing and advancing from station to station as they have been doing. They will continue firing single shots at random targets in the regular sequence until the tie is broken.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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