
Published on September 27th, 2017 | by Daniel Boyle


Canberra Walks – Mt Painter

Mt Painter is not a new place for me, but I don’t think I have written about it in the Canberra Walks posts. Today I climbed it twice.

For this walk I wanted to do something a little different. I had actually started driving towards the south side of town, but decided to stay a little closer to home and take on Mt Painter. My last visit was covered in one of the vlogs quite some time ago, which featured me getting caught out in a downpour.

It’s only a short walk to the top, although it is a reasonably high peak for its reasonably central location at 743m. Rather than just going straight up and back down, I continued on from the trig point, down in the direction of the Arboretum. I had no plans to make it that far, but just followed some animal tracks until eventually reaching the main horse trail. I followed this to bring me back around.

For a while I was considering visiting The Pinnacle as well, which I did quite some time ago. There wasn’t really enough time to fit that in, so I decided to go back up Mt Painter again. By that time there was a very strong wind, though strong wind is much better than pouring rain.

I started and finished the walk at the sundial in Cook, which was fairly accurate in showing the time.


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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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