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Published on March 28th, 2010 | by Daniel Boyle


Tatsu Nishi- War and Peace and Everything in Between

War and Peace and Everything in Between- Tatsu Nishi

As a part of the Kaldor Art Project, Japanese artist has brought a modern touch to the sculptures that guard the front of Sydney’s Art Gallery of New South Wales. The Kaldor project involves a range of artists changing well known spaces to bring awareness of everyday Australians to contemporary art.

The statues involved in Tatsu Nishi’s work involved to seperate horses, representing “War” and “Peace”. Nishi has built structures around each horse, complete changing the setting and meaning of each work. Each side has a room built around it. The “peace” horse has been set into a lounge room setting. You will find the head of the horse inside a display cabinet and it’s rider a nearby ornament.

Across the steps of the gallery and up some more stairs, you enter a bedroom setting. Inside the “War” horse is charging through the room over the bed. Both of these structures have completely changed the perception of each of the horses. As they had been there for a long time, people may not even notice them. This access right inside the works gives people much more notice.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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