Sports Michelle Bachelet presents her cabinet. Photo:

Published on January 24th, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


Natalia Riffo Named as Chile’s New Minister for Sport

Before the unveiling of Michelle Bachelet’s cabinet, which will take over on March 11, there were reported to be three key names in the running for the Sports Minister position. None of those men were presented on Friday afternoon, with  Natalia Riffo, a largely unknown candidate, being handed the reigns for Chile’s newest ministry.

The long awaited ministry was created in August 2013, with Gabriel Ruiz-Tagle being promoted from subsecretary to take over as minister. His replacement is a psychologist, currently working with the Municipality of Santiago in the area of neighbourhood security.

Riffo’s term as minister will be strengthened by the new Ley de Federaciones Deportivas, strengthening the power of the Olympic Committee to resolve internal debates within federations and increasing transparency and athlete power within each sporting organisation.

Natalia Riffo will take charge of the ministry midway through the South American Games, which will bring South America’s best athletes from a wide range of sports to compete in Santiago. What remains to be seen is whether the crowds will arrive for the event. In order to boost the crowds, a large number of events will have free entry.

Among those to already give welcome to the new minister are athletes group DAR Chile and the ANFP, Chile’s football federation. Bolivia became the most recent country to add a specialized sports ministry, with former footballer Tito Montaño taking the position.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

2 Responses to Natalia Riffo Named as Chile’s New Minister for Sport

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