Sports Flugtag Chile. Photo: Red Bull

Published on February 2nd, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


Chileans to Fly High in Red Bull Flugtag event

Valparaíso will play host to Red Bull’s Flugtag event. The “airshow” opens up the field to DIY operators to try and fly their machines into the sea.

The long running event, first hosted in Vienna in 1992, will make the first visit to Chile in the port city of Valparaíso. large attendances have been seen all over the world, with Cape Town hosting 220,000 spectators in 2012.

The madness involves constructing a “flying machine”, which is then launched off a pier. The Chilean version will take place at Caleta Portales, with a five metre drop awaiting each contestant. The judging will not only focus on distance, but also creativity and the team’s show.

Each event sees more and more creative designs for the “flying machines”. Among those taking off in Chile are a tribute to former footballer Carlos Caszely.

Not everything goes smoothly for each competitor though, the video below shows some of the problems that may be encountered in Valparaíso.

The event will begin at 1 p.m. and entry is free. February is an action packed month for porteños, with the world famous Valparaíso Cerro Abajo mountain bike race to take place on February 23.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

One Response to Chileans to Fly High in Red Bull Flugtag event

  1. Pingback: Huge Crowd for First Flugtag Event in Chile - Sport/Life

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