
Published on March 27th, 2014 | by John Lyons


Captain Fantastic Garrido Lifts Gold

If you want your captain to lead by example, then Juan Carlos Garrido is your man.

Santiago – Last night the TeamChile captain lit the Juegos Parasuramericanos flame at the opening ceremony, this morning he won his country´s first gold medal.

It shouldn´t really have come as a surprise as the 34-year-old weightlifter is the world record holder in the -59 kilos category with 181 kilos.

In today´s competition, he lifted 177kg to win the gold medal, though he couldn´t quite put the icing on the cake by breaking the world record, failing at 182kg.


The weightlifting has been one of Chile´s main strengths so far. María Antonieta Ortiz won Chile´s first medal of the Games yesterday by taking silver in the -73kg category.

It was an even greater achievement considering that she switched sports from tennis only recently.

She said: “I´ve been training for three months and I´m happy because this is my first competition and I wasn´t thinking of a medal. The change of disclipine was difficult, but worthwhile.”

However, it wasn´t such good news in the basketball. Chile´s men were swept aside by Argentina 82-19.

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  1. Pingback: Swimmer Macarena notches Chile's second gold - Sport/Life

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