I haven’t really tuned into the news so much while I’ve been up here. The sounds of “woman bitten by snake in Mackay”, “Cyclone headed for Cairns”, etc are not really what I want to hear.
I did hear in the sports section that Proserpine product TRAVIS WADDELL has resigned with the MIGHTY GREEN MACHINE, that is, the Canberra Raiders up until 2012. This is really good news, as it means quite a large number of the team are signed up for a few years. With Campo, TLL, Monaghan, Vidot, Tilse, Harrison and a few more signed up for quite some time, it puts the Raiders in quite a solid position. They always talk about a rebuilding season, but most of the time those seasons lead to numerous promising young players heading to richer clubs and the Raiders ending up with “experienced” journeyman players, who are most of the time useless, although sometimes a surprise packet slips through ala Jason Smith.
I am still in two minds as to joining up for a membership again this year. My heart definitely says yes, but my head tells me I might not be around for the whole time. I’m coming to the time where I’m making some decisions for next year, and staying in Canberra is highly likely. I have a plane ticket booked to London in July, but I think I might just go for a few weeks, use my annual leave, get paid to be there, come home richer than when I left.