Sports Table tennis donation. Photo: DAR Chile

Published on February 28th, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


Chilean Athletes Save the Day for Young Guerrero

Thanks to some of Chile’s table tennis players preparing for the South American Games in Austria, Chilean athletes were able to help young Fabian Guerrero.

Led by DAR Chile president Claudia Vera, the athletes were involved in a Ruta del Amor project, bringing over 70 tins of Aptamil Pregomin AS milk, something not available in Chile. The tins were donated by German company Milupa.

Milupa milk. Photo: DAR Chile

Due to a combination of severe allergies, including the allergy to potable water, Fabian, who recently turned three, can only drink the expensive milk imported from Europe.

After bringing back the tins of milk from Europe, the table tennis players were joined in the DAR Chile office by some of Chile’s leading athletes to make the presentation to Fabian and his mother.

Fabian Guerrero. Photo: DAR Chile


The DAR Chile athletes are hoping Chile’s star players may be able to continue helping the young “warrior”, with Chile preparing to play a friendly against Germany in Stuttgart on March 5.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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