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Published on May 3rd, 2013 | by Daniel Boyle


Chile to Embark on Street Soccer Tour

As defending champions and 2014 hosts of the Homeless World Cup, Chile will look to strengthen their squad ahead of the 2013 tournament to be held in Poland.



Photo: Elige Vivir Sano

Between May and July, Accion Total, who run the Futbol Calle program will search far and wide for new faces for the squad. Chile beat Mexico to win the 2012 version in Mexico City.

The tour will take in 11 cities, all the way from Arica to Punta Arenas. The first selection will take place in Punta Arenas from May 10-12, with the final outing taking place in Santiago between July 19-21.

The full dates are as follows:

Punta Arenas: May 10-12

Puerto Montt: May 17-19

Temuco: May 24-26

Concepción: May 31-June 2

Rancagua: June 7-9

Valparaíso: June 14-15

La Serena: June 21-23

Antofagasta: June 27-29

Iquique: July 5-7

Arica: July 12-14

Santiago: July 19-21

The Homeless World Cup and “Futbol Calle” program offer an incredible opportunity for underprivileged people. The Homeless World Cup is one of the most successful organisations pushing for sport and social change.

During the tour their will be tournaments for men, women and a mixed juniors tournament. Chile will also host the Copa Ámerica of Futbol Calle in October.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

3 Responses to Chile to Embark on Street Soccer Tour

  1. Pingback: The Homeless Goal | Sport/Life

  2. Pingback: Chile's National Street Soccer Tour Finishes on Cerro San Cristobál - I Love Chile News

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