
Published on January 16th, 2019 | by Daniel Boyle


Canberra Walks – Palmerville

Palmerville Heritage Park in Evatt was the place for this walk.

Palmerville Heritage Park lies in the remains of what was an early unofficial village in the Limestone Plains area, before the city was even there.

There is not much in the way of buildings still there, with the signs showing deterioration of what was there over 100 years ago. There is some very interesting information on the role that cricket had in the Ginninderra/Palmerville station.

On a hot day, the best part of the walk is the amount of shade that it offered. Of course there were areas exposed to the blasting sun, but there are rows of elms and poplars which provide quite a lot of shade.

There is one area where the trees have little memorials on the ground below. To the side of the Palmerville area is a large farm land that I believe is managed by CSIRO, which means there is a huge stretch of green space in the area.

You can find out a bit more about Palmerville on the Canberra Tracks website. There is plenty of signage there, though not much in terms of directional signage. That is not really needed though, as there is just one main path and it is quite well made.

This was a good walk to do on a hot day, the sign recommends about 20 minutes, though you can expand it a bit more by following some of the horse trails in the area, or getting up to the bike track that follows William Slim Drive.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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