Published on June 24th, 2021 | by Daniel Boyle


A2ZACT With Brent Ford – Downer

Downer was originally part of the CSIRO. The shopping centre has recently had a major renovation. Brent Ford continues his alphabet journey.

I lived in Downer for a short while. The “shops” was in name only, there was literally nothing open there. Over recent years there has been a major improvement, with the Gang Gang Cafe in the middle of that.


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You can see a bit of the timeline through this series of photographs below.

Funnily enough the first video I ever put on Youtube was filmed while living at that house in Downer.

The land which is now the suburb of Downer was once part the CSIRO (CSIR at that time). You can actually see an old Stump Jump Plough at the National Museum of Australia. Some years ago they actually brought it back to Downer.

We enjoy going to the park at the Downer Oval every now and then, we used to live a lot closer and go there fairly often. There’s a few other parks around the suburb, with a new addition being a “micro forest“.

The suburb is named after Sir John Downer, formerly Premier of South Australia as well as being one of Australia’s first senators. He was heavily involved in many of the pre-federation conferences and also hoped to be named on the High Court once it was established.

You can get a very detailed writeup of his life and career from the Parliament House website. It notes that he struck up a great friendship with Edmund Barton. Aside from having a suburb named after him, he is also the “father” in the “Father and Son” artwork in Garema Place. The family name has also continued in the political cycle.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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