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Published on March 7th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle


Yoko Oh No

Yoko Oh No, Canberra’s leading/only punk band.

I did an interview with a couple of the guys a fair while ago. There was a show on at Bar 32 and midway through the show we went and did the interview. I’m not really so sure why it took so long to get this one done.

Yoko Oh No

Yoko Oh No are a punk band from Canberra. One of the only punk bands in Canberra at the moment come to think of it.

What’s happening in Yoko Oh No at the moment?

We’ve almost written an album. Danny, our bass player was away for a while…we got Alex to fill in, he’s in I Exist, yeah I EXIST. Danny’s back now, so he’s back in the band.

What’s the plan for the album? Any label interest?

We might be doing a split 7 inch actually, with four other bands. The Phantom Shitters.

Is that really a band name?

Yeah, that’s there name. Los Croutons are another one. Yeah…I’ve never heard of any of these bands.

What are your thoughts on the punk scene in Canberra?

It sucks. We pretty much are the punk scene at the moment. Outcome Unknown will be over soon, not sure if we’re meant to tell people that. I’m a bit disappointed. So it just us, we’re it. As far as I know.

You guys didn’t get to support Propaghandi when they came here. Were you cut?

Well, there’s a story behind that. I knew Outcome Unknown were meant to be playing, but they were breaking up. So I thought it would be worth asking the guy that used to run the shows, that guy Luke. So I asked him, turns out he hates me. He was really drunk and just abused me for five minutes or something.

Are you happy with your year? Has it been a good year?

Yeah, it’s been a pretty good year actually. We played with The Porkers and Los Caps, that was this year I think. We played at The Annandale, it was packed. Not when we played, but later on. We played a good show the other day, The Real Deal, a ska band from overseas. We’ve played in Melbourne a couple of times. The first time we played with Party Vibes and Anchors, the second time it was with Party Vibes again and another band, Yeah Right. We played in Wollongong with Lungs, that was awesome. They’re great.

Any record labels interested in your works?

Yeah, Sony are coming with a deal to protect us from everybody. Actually, no. Nobody cares.

What do you think of punk in Australia?

It’s good. Frenzal Rhomb will probably break up soon. Unpaid Debt are going to play a reunion. Lungs, after Frenzal are probably my favourite Australian punk band at the moment. Local Resident Failure are pretty good, and can’t forget Anchors. I’ll get in trouble if I don’t mention them. We played with them the other day. Everyone reading this should buy it. The one person reading it, probably Rob. Thanks for reading Rob.

If you guys could play with any particular band, who would it be. Pretty sure I know the answer already…

Propaghandi. Fuck you Luke Myers.

I don’t think he’ll read this but would you say to him?

I just said it. Forget you buddy.

What’s the plan for Yoko Oh No next year?

We’ll record February-ish. Then we’ll do an East Coast Tour later in the year after the album. Sample the kebabs throughout Australia.

Los Capitanes are pretty punk, they’re pretty good. I’m backtracking, I’d just like to put it out there. There’s a couple of bands in Queanbeyan that are playing punk.

What’s the best band in Canberra….one band

Red Menace were pretty good….I guess for me Los Capitanes. Four Dead were good before Morgan join.

Do you guys have anything else to announce?

If you’re in an up and coming punk band, we’d support you. We are the real punks. If you put on the show, do all the work, we’ll play. Up the police, fuck the punks.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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