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Published on August 16th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle


Where will we be in 10 (or 15) years…

So I was reading an article on Pitchfork magazine, not something that I usually do and a lot of this people I was reading about I either don’t know or don’t like, however, this article was a bit interesting just in the idea of it.

Most of them chose an album to represent 1996/2001/2006/2011
1996- Silverchair- Freak Show

Well, after a google search, turns out this came out in 1997, but this was my real introduction into the world of rock music, moreso of my choosing to immerse myself in rock music. It was particularly the film clip for Freak, I used to watch Rage every weekend and I had head Frogstomp already which I kind of liked, but this had me. I didn’t actually own the album proper for ages, but I had a tape of the album being played on community radio (same station that I mentioned about my mum a couple of posts ago), on the weekly album show.
I was listening to that tape not long ago. The announcer says midway through, alrighty time to rattle a few more brain cells…Silverchair were really the band that got me into rock music, that’s for sure.
2001- Superheist- The Prize Recruit

Now, I know it’s not very cool or whatever to admit to liking nu-metal these days, but those who are about my age were right in the thick of it. Some people were a bit older and so they preferred Pantera etc but people now who are about 25-28, it was only really a few years, they were there for the rise.
Anyway, on to Superheist. I really loved this album, and the EP before that. Actually I managed to get the Chrome Matrix EP (Sanity Merimbula of all places) and I liked that a lot too. Superheist actually played in Bega as well. I remember being totally stoked about that, as they were my favourite band at the time. I only saw them with Joey Biro though, never with Berger.
My friends had this cover band in high school and one time their singer was away, so I got up and sang a cover of Bullet with them. I got stage fright in front of the few people that were there, and didn’t know where to come in and forgot the words etc. A similar performance would be repeated about 5 years down the track with Templestowe, singing Slaughter of the Soul.

I saw Superheist a few times once I finished high school as well. I saw them at Homebake, but they were clashing with The Butterfly Effect, that was a weird lineup, because all the clashes were bands that were very similar in style….Another time I saw them was at the Granville Youth Centre, in an all ages show. I guess I had been living in Sydney for a couple of months, and I’m sure glad that show was in the day because I was a bit concerned for my safety heading out that way.
I did an interview with Fetah who played keyboards, about his new band Jerrico. I had been asking away some questions and then I said before we finish, I have one last question…will Superheist ever reform?
He said no.
2006- 4 Dead- Blood and Piss

I guess at this stage I’m going to have more of a variety to choose from, a stronger memory of what I was listening to, etc. This, the most recent offering from the Canberra stalwarts…that’s 5 years now. The band has been going for a long long time now, and we haven’t got too much to see for that.
Anyhow, this tries to put the intensity of a 4 Dead show on to your musical device of choice and it doesn’t get close. However, it has its own form of intensity in itself. 4 Dead are now one of the bands I have been going to watch over a consistent period, they must be the longest (first viewing would be approx Oct 2004, most recent July 2011). This album, and its reflections on being a man in the world, in punk, in Canberra etc, I have listened to it so many times, seen the songs live so many times, and I can’t really say that I’m sick of it.
2011- Miles Away- Endless Roads

I didn’t mean for this list to be an all-aussie lineup, but that’s the way it’s panned out. I’ve always been a big fan of Australian bands, which is not to say they are better or worse than other bands, but moreso these particular years brought out some Australian bands in the memories.
And I mentioned the consistency of going to see 4 Dead, even though some years they’d only play a couple of shows in the year. I actually first saw Miles Away before I had seen 4 Dead. I was, to use that horrible term “a nu-jack”, as they say. I went to Hardcore 04, and you know Miles Away were first up, followed by a newish band with a promising EP called Parkway Drive.
Anyway, each year I have probably gone to see Miles Away a couple of times, but you know I have never followed them too much. This album though has had a different feel, just for me personally. Yesterday when I fell down the stairs, I came back to the room with some ice and a fair bit of pain. I decided I wanted to listen to some music and I listened to Anywhere.

So there we have just 4 albums which can sum up my musical experiences. It’s only a little bit to go on but it does tell a fair amount of the story. Maybe at a future date I will fill in the gaps for each year.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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