
Published on February 3rd, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


StartSomeGood to Host Rockstars of Crowdfunding

Social funding platform StartSomeGood will hold a “Rockstars of Crowdfunding” Google Hangout, letting people learn from some of the best in the business.

With a key focus on projects focusing on social good, StartSomeGood has been a standout in the ever-increasing crowdfunding world. Not only for the positive nature of the projects that can be funded on the platform, but also for their work in spreading knowledge of best practices in crowdfunding.

Those wanting to know more about crowdfunding can learn from some of the best in the “Rockstars of Crowdfunding” with Google Hangout on Air. Registrations can still be made until 4pm today, February 3. The action will begin at 5pm US Eastern time (7pm in Chile).

Among other services on offer are a free crowdfunding 101 course by email, which provides tips to those new in the crowdfunding game. Some of the “rockstars” involved in the event include Jennifer Windrum (SMAC – Sock Monkeys Against Cancer) and Lloyd Goodson, creator of an Underwater Superhero HQ. Both have raised over $30,000 using the platform. The video below shows a part of the “BioSubMan” campaign.

The topics for the discussion include:

– whether crowdfunding is right for you
– how to put together a crowdfunding campaign
– what strategies do/don’t work
– how to promote your campaign and mobilize your community
– what type of rewards to offer.

Among the sporting campaigns that have graced the pages of StartSomeGood are the “Sports for Development” project in Colombia and Mexico’s Sports for Sharing.

The Twitter conversation can be followed with #SocEntHangout



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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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