
Sports Photo: Vasilios Devletoglou

Published on May 9th, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


Santiago Saints to Play First Match of Season

The Santiago Saints Australian Rules Football club will return to the field for the first match of 2014, as well as the return of the junior Auskick program.

A successful 2014 saw Los Santos kick start a junior program, as well as host another successful fundraising event. With all eyes on the clash between Chile and Australia at the World Cup, the Saints offer a different flavour on the clash.

Made up of a mix of Chileans, Australians and other visitors to Chile, the teams will feature a mix of all the club’s players, with future plans to participate in competitions such as the International Cup and to host visiting teams. The Saints surprised the touring Convicts team in their visit to Chile, as well as trouncing Argentina during a tour there.

The gallery below shows action from the 2013 fundraising event. Photos by David Delaporte.

The junior program, led by former WAFL play David Greig will return during the half time break of the match. A great success in 2013, the children haven’t been resting, with a cricket training program running throughout the summer.

Many of the players in the Saints squad played a part in the South American Cricket Championships in Peru, where Chile reached the final.

The match will take place at 12pm at the Cencosud Field (ex-Craighouse), located at El Puente 2054 in La Dehesa, opposite Clinica Alemana.

More information about the club can be found at www.santiagosaints.cl

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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