Sport/Life I Love Chile early days

Published on October 30th, 2021 | by Daniel Boyle


Moving to Chile – 10 Years On – Casper Rundager

In October of 2011, we got on the plane bound for Santiago de Chile. I wasn’t really too sure what was ahead of me. In some posts I’ll make some reflections on my time in Chile.

Flying in over the Andes I was not really too sure what to expect. Ten years on, I’ve been in touch with some friends I encountered along the way to see about their experiences.

Casper Rundager

I also met Casper in the I Love Chile offices. He has since returned to his native Denmark after spending some time working in the Danish Embassy in Chile, including helping organise a royal visit. We bonded over beers and swimming in his rooftop pool and attended quite a number of Universidad de Chile matches.

You can see some young faces in this photo.

I Love Chile early days

What did you expect before you went to Chile?

Having been to just one other country in Latam (Nicaragua) before moving to Chile, I expected a much less organized, clean and safe place and environment.

What is a classic moment or memory you have from your time in Chile?

Too many to mention, but celebrating Chile winning Copa America and the city going crazy was something I will never forget. Also watching the night sky from the dessert in the north and climbing the Villarica volcano in the south.

Do you have any plans to return to Chile?

Definitely returning to visit Chile when the pandemic allows this. Probably bringing my girlfriend who has never been there.

What’s something you wish you had done before you went to Chile (to be more prepared)?

Hmm perhaps having more about the history of Chile in order to better understand the culture. Then again, Chileans are very open and maybe it was positive that I arrived without prejudices and with an open mind willing to listen and learn – that’s something I recommend anyone going there to do.. ask questions and show interest. And have fun!

What’s something you wish you had have done while you were in Chile?

I never did the W trek in Torres del Paine national park, so that’s on my bucket list for sure. Maybe also Chiloe and going even further south. Riding horses in the Andes. Driving a motor bike on the panamerican highway. Visit more vineyards and perhaps going to more rural areas and villages.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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