
Published on December 2nd, 2015 | by Daniel Boyle


Footbag Joulukalenteri 2015 – Day 2 – Narooma Jam

The second video for this year’s Joulukalenteri is one of my personal contributions from the Narooma Jam, featuring international guests Juho Marjo and Chris Tristano.

Narooma Jam 2015

Joulukalenteri 2015. Juho Marjo (Finland) and Chris Tristano (USA) visit the classic Australian Narooma Jam.

The Narooma Jam is a highlight on the Australian calendar, usually the first chance for the Australian players to get together by the beach for a relaxing time. This year we were lucky enough to have a couple of international guests, with Finland’s Juho Marjo and Chris Tristano from the USA joining us.

Joulu intro

Footbag Joulukalenteri 2015 intro.


I tried to create a balance between featuring Juho, our superstar guest, and giving an opportunity to have the Australian players show their stuff. While the Australian scene is fairly quiet, events like this are a great chance to get everyone going again.

Juho has been a great feature of the Joulukalenteri in the past, often being the final surprise in impressive collections.


Juho Super Marjo playing footbag for the Christmas Calendar. All hail the Yskisarvinen.

The Narooma Jam should be on again in late January/early February 2016, so let us know if you are keen to visit Australia for the summer.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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