Footbag Wiktor Debski.

Published on December 7th, 2015 | by Daniel Boyle


Footbag Joulukalenteri 2015 – Day 7 – Wiktor Dębski

Day 7 of the Joulukalenteri is from Poland’s Wiktor Dębski, the current Executive Director of the International Footbag Players Association.

Footbag Joulukarenteri 2015: Wiktor Dębski

My freestyle footbag video for annual “Joulukarenteri”. Music: Eleventh Sun – Three king

Today’s video is short and sharp and Wiktor has provided an introduction to the video

Over the last years I became quite a serious footbag net player, but I still think that freestyle is awesome. Although It’s hard to play both sports, I still try to push my freestyle game forward. After having a serious surgery in February,

I’m lucky to play again on this level. The video was shot in brand new office park on very cold day in late November 2015.

Shred on!

Wiktor made his name in the sport with an impressive run in the Mixed Doubles tournaments, winning an incredible seven consecutive World Championships alongside wife Gosia. The video below is their 2012 dropless effort in Warsaw.

Amazing Footbag Performance – Gosia Dębska and Wiktor Dębski 2012

Amazing footbag performance during 33rd Annual IFPA World Footbag Championships 2012 in Warsaw, Poland. Gosia and Wiktor has played a dropless routine which is extremely rare in Doubles Freestyle category. This was propably their last performance after winning 7 World Championships in a row. Edit: Poka Film

A big cheers to Wiktor for all his years of effort on the organisational side of the sport. As you would have noticed in the background scenes from Worlds in the Day 6 video, Wiktor is an integral part of the process of making Worlds happen.


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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

2 Responses to Footbag Joulukalenteri 2015 – Day 7 – Wiktor Dębski

  1. Pingback: Poland Prepares for World Footbag Championships - Sport/Life

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