Completos y Cervezas
So, being new in town, over the next couple of years, I will present to you my research findings on a number of important topics.
To begin with, in a similar idea to my Capital Pies idea, which never really got off the ground (some food for thought for coming back home), is to find the best completo. A completo is a very Chilean food item, I actually have had one before, from the Chilean stand at the multiculural fest in Canberra earlier this year.
The basic premise is that off a hot dog, with extra fillings on top. Today we went to DominĂ³ in Providencia. Francisca rates this one as the best in town. That’s a good way to start, but my research will see if this is really correct. It was pretty good, not to be confused with Dominos!
As for the beers, Doug and I have started off at the cheap end of the scale. We bought a pack of 12 cans of Becker beer. The $12 cans cost about six Australian dollars, so not a bad deal at all. They taste ok, it is just like any of the standard Australian beers, but much cheaper. All these recent travels have reminded me mainly of one thing: Australia is a big rip-off.
I have barely taken any photos at all. A new camera is something I may invest in in the very near future, as I haven’t got one anymore, I lost it just before our trip to Asia, which was unfortunate timing.
Today we also stopped in a pub for a break from our long walk. I drank a Salzburg Lager. Quite tasty, however it cost about as much as this pack of 12, so I think in my current financial situation I should stick to the likes of Becker.
Thanks Boris.