Browsing the "Sports" Category

February 25th, 2012 | by Daniel Boyle

Last week I went down to the Valparaíso Cerro Abajo. It actually seems like many months ago, but it was

Edcamp Santiago

January 17th, 2012 | by Daniel Boyle

This past Saturday I went to an event called Edcamp Santiago. It is a style of conference – or “unconference”

Dancin’ in the streets

January 9th, 2012 | by Daniel Boyle

After almost 3 months I have finally got the courage to actually go out into the streets and play Footbag

New Footbag interview

January 7th, 2012 | by Daniel Boyle

I mentioned a couple of posts ago, I have begun a new project, I am planning to interview Footbag players

A new writing project

January 4th, 2012 | by Daniel Boyle

I have started a new little project, within which I hope to do 1 interview per week (at least) with

2011- Part One

December 29th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

I was planning on doing a big 2011 review of all my travels, but I might split it up into

The Mistake: A Mixup

December 24th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

So my “career” as a sports journalist is taking shape- almost. I am doing an internship at the moment, and

December 18th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

So I found out that a Pichanga is a term for a game of pick up soccer. Some are much

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