Browsing the "Chile" Category

Look Mum, no hands

November 7th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

Today Mum and Dad and Alison arrived in town. They are staying in Bella Vista, right next to the furnicular,

segundo semana

October 31st, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

This is Augustine, marrying into the family I also became an uncle, a tio to quite a few new amigos.

primero semana en Chile

October 25th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

So we have been around for more than a week now, it’s time to start getting into the swing of

October 22nd, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

The sun sets over Corrierra de la Costa


October 17th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

So here we are, in Santiago. I honestly think it’s going to take at least a week to get adjusted

Too late, tonight I’m gone

October 15th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

The last couple of weeks have been some kind of endless farewell. Many of the friends I have got to

Earning power…

October 14th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle

Tomorrow we head off on our journey, and of course I am not entirely “ready to rock”. There is still

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