
Published on July 27th, 2020 | by Daniel Boyle


Capital Eyes – Vlog 71 – Rolling Around the Back of Belco

Daniel Boyle around the back areas of Belco. Capital Eyes Vlog 71.

We’ve come back into the school term, however I’m now not working on Mondays. I started out with a trip around the back blocks of Belconnen and visited a few skate spots around the way.

With that Capital Eyes Vlog 71 was beginning.

It was a sunny day, the absolute opposite of the conditions today, only one week later. It seemed a good day to get out on the bike.

First stop was the Spence Drains. This is quite close to home and I’ve been to take a look, but never skated on it. There’s a bunch of obstacles people have put in and I was able to have a bit of fun there.

From there I considered going up Mt Rogers, which has been covered enough in this publication, but instead I skirted around the edge and paid a visit to Charnwood and its old snakerun.

A lot of these spots I visited looked like they haven’t had a lot of others there in recent times, so good to make use of it.

While in the area I stopped at the famous Regal Charcoal Chicken, according to the Canberra Times the best potato scallops in the land. I hadn’t been there before and had a pretty good lunch feed. Are they the best, hard to say, but it hit the spot and helped me continue on the journey.

From there it was through the Umbagong Park and across to Kippax, where I got onto the mini. There are a bunch of these spread throughout Canberra, which are pretty much the same. Here is a little action of me some years ago at the one in Telopea Park.

I had in mind to continue on to Belco itself but time was running low as was my energy, so I started heading for home. On the way I stopped by the BMX track for a couple of rounds there and was really feeling things as I was making my way uphill. A good day out overall though.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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