
Published on February 10th, 2019 | by Daniel Boyle


Canberra Walks – Queanbeyan East

A walk beginning in Queanbeyan Industrial Area towards Kings Hwy.

This walk was simply a time passer. I had a mechanic visit down in the industrial area and saw some green area and decided to have an explore. My first mission was not so much of a success due to running into a private property fenceline, but I was able to take another path and have a bit of a wander.

I’ve decided to include some “Canberra area” walks in my “Canberra Walks” section. I’m well aware that Queanbeyan is not a part of the ACT, but there are some great walks in the area, particularly Molonglo Gorge, the Googong Dam and around the London Bridge Arch area. This one was only a short stroll, but it was something I didn’t really know about before doing it.

I did this walk with a stroller, and the first part of it was quite challenging, particularly coming back downhill after reaching the fenceline. While I was going uphill, I could see another road off in the distance and wondered where it came from.

I was able to get my answer, as I found a better made track coming out from closer to town, turned up there and ended up on what I believe is an old section of the Kings Highway.

I walked along there, climbing for a while and eventually reaching a road, which is the current Kings Highway, making its way out of town. I had no interest in expanding my walk to there, so I turned around and retraced my steps.

Once I was getting into the industrial area, I made my way towards town, having a bit of an explore and something to eat before the time had passed to return to the mechanic.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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