
Published on July 15th, 2015 | by Daniel Boyle


Canberra Walks – Mt Majura – Mt Ainslie Loop

In an effort to provide more content on Sport/Life, I plan on giving some writeups of the recent walks I have been doing in and around Canberra. I am experimenting with a couple of plugins, so hopefully they work too. There should be some stats from the Runtastic app, with a map.

Total distance: 11696 m
Max elevation: 908 m
Min elevation: 612 m
Total climbing: 527 m
Total descent: -528 m
Total time: 02:37:32


There are some photos below. I started at home in Hackett, and headed up Mt Majura. Some these photos I feel I have taken thousands of times. Particularly, from the top of each summit. As they are the closest to our house, it’s an easy adventure not too far away.

I like to take a different path, as there are many options to go up either of these peaks. I have only done both in one go once before. On Mt Majura, I have thought for a long time of trying to follow the creek which you cross midway along to the Majura Ridge area.

There was quite a bit of moss on some of the rocks, but it wasn’t particularly wet. I had one near slip, but aside from that it was quite easy climbing, with good views back to Black Mountain. I wasn’t sure where it was going to take me, but eventually I came to the end of the creek area, and back on to the main trail going to the top of Mt Majura.

I reached the top of that and came straight down toward the ridge and then over to the left, down towards the Majura Pines area. There’s some reasonably new signs describing the mountain bike trails, which I think is a nice touch. They are also doing some more work around the area, not sure what on.

I continued along past the big tank and up the hill between the two mountains, you get a big view over the airport and beyond from there. Significantly more people were using this track, both walking and biking. It had been really quite on the Majura trail.

It was quite a sunny day, but there was quite a strong wind which meant things were maybe not as pleasant as they could be. I connected back to the Centenary trail, one I have followed plenty of times before. Not much news on there, though I passed a family who were asking where the trail would take them. I didn’t want to give them too many options, so told them it was best to follow the arrows for the centenary trail.

I passed them before I had come back from the top of Mt Ainslie, so they obviously didn’t get too far. It was very clear up on Mt Ainslie, good view over the lake, and even a bit of snow on the mountains in the background. I came down along the “Old Tip Track” and finally saw some signs of wildlife, with quite a few kangaroos just lazing about close to the entrance.

Good to have some pleasant weather after this supposed “Polar Vortex”. Unfortunately the sunshine didn’t last too long though.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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