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Published on June 9th, 2010 | by Daniel Boyle


Canberra Live Music Inquiry

There has been an ongoing inquiry into live music in Canberra, I think it has been running for around a year, anyone can make a submission, through this link.

I have been reading a number of submissions, most of them are along the same lines of what I just submitted. I’m not sure what is happening with this committee, but hopefully the outcomes will be positive. Something unfortunate happened recently though, Julia Winterflood made a very good submission, but then also published it in the BMA, which is apparently against the rules of the inquiry. I will post what I had to say once the inquiry is complete.
I recommend anyone who has any interest in going to see any kind of band, should also make a submission.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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