Published on January 12th, 2021 | by Daniel Boyle


A2ZACT With Brent Ford – Beard

Beard is an industrial area near Queanbeyan. Brent Ford continues his alphabetical running mission through Canberra.

I’ve driven through here a few times but I’ve never really known what it was all about. You can find quite a bit of information about Timothy Beard in the application to put the site of his station on the Heritage Register, which was rejected. He was a convict, turned innkeeper in Campbelltown, turned squatter and eventually someone you name a suburb after. It seems the Beard history is quite incomplete and could be an interesting project for serious historians.

As for the run, looks like a couple of loops were required to complete the 5km journey. It also looks like some of these industrial establishments are not particularly cheap to buy. The name of the suburb would have come to prominence around this time last year, with the country on fire, the Beard Fire was coming in a little close to home for Canberra residents.

Only a few steps from certain parts of Beard will cross you over the border and take you into Queanbeyan, but that would be under a different challenge, as this is all about the ACT. The area will be visited again once it comes to Oaks Estate.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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