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Published on December 30th, 2009 | by Daniel Boyle


I haven’t made a post in a while. Christmas has been and gone. I was up early Christmas morning, not as most children were, opening up gifts, but opening up the doors here at the hostel. Dominos provided my Christmas lunch. I had a call from my parents in the morning, this was the first Christmas I’ve spent away from the family.

Sarah arrived for the afternoon shift, leftovers of here Christmas lunch on a plate. Her Christmas lunch was eaten in the car on the way to work. It was definitely a whole different vibe for Christmas this year.

That paints a pretty grim Christmas Carol, but things definitely improved when Francisca arrived in the evening. We went over to Sarah’s place, they had a gathering there of a bunch of people, many who were a long way from home.

On Sunday we went Ocean Rafting again. Once again we were greeted with perfect weather and a humorous commentary on the way out. The view from the Hill Inlet lookout was looking even better this time. We snorkelled in two spots, in Wrass Bay- this was different from my previous visit. We also returned to Mantaray Bay, but the visibility was not as good as my previous visit.

I have booked a stay at the Hook Island resort for the week after next, I am keen to check out some more spots around the island. We are also going to head up a bit further north while Francisca is still around.

I got some good news today, a permanent manager has been found for the hostel here. This means there will be something still around once I’m gone. It also means that hopefully I won’t be logging any more 94 hour fortnights. It’s going to mean a lot less stress for me, which is something I am definitely excited about.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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