Skateboarding Santiago en Skate

Published on January 31st, 2014 | by Daniel Boyle


Skate Photography Exhibition to Open in Telefonica Tower

Organised by Converse and patineta.clSantiago en Skate is Chile’s first skate photography exhibition. The competition focused not only on big tricks, but on capturing the lifestyle.

A wide variety of over 1,000 photos were trimmed down to 21 finalists, with big tricks surprisingly few and far between. Most of the shots show a part of the city, alongside some skaters, with some moving quickly, while others are standing still or arriving at their location. Each shot gives a unique look at the city.

The best photos from the competition will be on display between January 31 and March 16 in the Telefonica building’s exhibition space.

The winner was a photo from Jonathan Bruna, which can be seen below. Chile’s skate scene continues to develop, with new skateparks appearing both in Santiago and the regions.

Jonathan Bruna. Photo: Santiago en Skate

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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