
Published on February 4th, 2021 | by Daniel Boyle


Passback Footbag – Hacky Sack vs Footbag

Matt Kemmer takes a look at some of the differences between Hacky Sack and Footbag for Passback Footbag

It is a question that we often hear when out kicking – what’s the difference between Hacky Sack and Footbag? The main one is that Hacky Sack is a brand name, now owned by the Wham-O toy company.

As mentioned in the video, particularly in North America, the “hacky sack stereotype” can be a key problem for footbag players wanting to promote the game. I don’t believe this is as big a problem in other parts of the world.

For most people, seeing hacky sack is the act of circle kicking – you will often see this at music festivals or in school yards. People are working together to trying and get a “full hack”. In competitive footbag, people are working individually, though we often play in a circle, taking it in turns to display freestyle skills before passing it to the next person for their turn.

Passback Footbag is a new channel created by Matt Kemmer. He has done some shoe review videos, but as the channel continues it will delve into the world of Freestyle Footbag.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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