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Published on August 18th, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle


Nepal Transport Strike

So, in convenient news, buses and taxis are off the road, indefinitely. Apparently old mates in the union have a list of about 42 demands that they want met before returning to the road.

You know, normally I wouldn’t care, but on day one in Kathmandu I fell down some stairs and busted up my ankle so I can barely walk. Today was not much of a day really. It took a lot of walking and hobbling to get to the bus station we wanted to go to, only to find it empty of buses. We had been told earlier in the morning of a taxi strike but nobody said anything about the buses….
The only thing of note that we did this evening was to go to a pub where a cover band played. They did play All Apologies by Nirvana….
I saw some more metal-shirt clad characters today, but it wasn’t really a situation where I could go HEY MATE COOL SHIRT, but you know, I think that’s the most noticable difference between India and Nepal, I know there are plenty of others that everybody can see straight away, but this is just a personal thing. In India, I didn’t see a band shirt anywhere, just these pseudo hippies wearing their wrong sized Indian style apparel. In Nepal, music is around. You know, we were in the supermarket, Green Day was playing on the radio, I sensed there was something different here.
We have been staying in a pretty crappy hostel, but here we are, still here on these hard pillows and not-that-clean sheets. Our flight is not til next week, but you know, honestly, I could go home now….

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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