Footbag NYJ panjamic

Published on January 4th, 2021 | by Daniel Boyle


Footbag New Years Jam Goes Online

Footbag New Years Jam. After the success of the online Worlds in 2020, more footbag events will go online as the pandemic keeps people at home.

The New Years Jam has been held in Michigan in recent years, with players from around North America gathering for a kick as well as a game of whirlyball. With the “PanJAMic” event shifting online, there will be no Whirlyball, but any footbag player around the world can enter the three events on offer.

The three events on offer will be Shred Off, Rippin Run and Add Hunt.

Shred Off was a new event brought in for the online worlds. In this event, a player can make an edit of up to 90 seconds. There will only be one round, with the entries ranked.

Rippin’ Run is usually held head to head. This time there will be a count on tricks. Players are not allowed to repeat a trick more than 3 times.

Add Hunt will be based on the “add” score of a combo of 5 tricks. The limit for open level is 21 adds.

Entries are due on January 8.

All clips MUST include the keyword NYJ2021, either spoken or written down and shown on video.
The deadline is January 8, 2021. Do not use old footage. (Anything recorded between December 4 and the deadline is okay.) Submit your videos via WeTransfer, Google Drive, or Dropbox to We will release a compilation video of everyone’s submissions.


About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

One Response to Footbag New Years Jam Goes Online

  1. Pingback: NYJ Hosts First Footbag Event of 2021 - Sport/Life

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