Footbag Evan Gatesman at the World Championships. Photo: Taishi Ishida/Facebook

Published on January 2nd, 2015 | by Daniel Boyle


Evan Gatesman Pushes the Limits With UYET

While Evan Gatesman has had the attention of the footbag community for a long time, 2014 was a breakout year for “The Silencer”.

With the stated objective of “understand the limits of human potential”, Gatesman delivers a sublime performance in an impressive video made by Ivan Iakimenko.

Titled U.Y.E.T. (Unleash Your Earthly Tether), the video shows the Las Vegas player pushing the limits of the sport. Having taken part in the Sport/Life European Footbag Tour before going on to win the circle contest at the 2014 World Championships in Paris, Gatesman was a key representative for the North American scene.

While Gatesman has boosted his already strong reputation through strong performances in competition, Iamienko has risen to prominence as one of the leading filmmakers in the sport. A growing combination alongside Ken Somolinos, who provided the footage, is something that footbag fans will hope to continue through the coming year.

A new video is expected in February 2015.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

2 Responses to Evan Gatesman Pushes the Limits With UYET

  1. Pingback: World Footbag Championships Routines 2000-2020 - Sport/Life

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