Bodyboarding no image

Published on July 5th, 2010 | by Daniel Boyle



This one’s a bit of an old one, from Issue Five. I interviewed Earthlings and later Ghost Town in the Labor Club after they played a house show in a kitchen. I didn’t actually go to the show though. Dylan Moran was playing a stand up show in town that night.

Here is a video by JHat of a more recent house show they played, back in April.

The tape starts with everybody laughing because I have revealed that the thing was not even recording. I was feeling pretty stupid.

Ok, go again…

What’s your name and what do you do

Will: I’m Will and I play bass. Drew: I’m Drew…that guy…

Will: (you sing)

Drew: Oh yeah, I try to sing but I shit myself every time.

Ben: Ben/Drums; Gary: Gary/Guitar

So you guys are all from Port Macquarie…what’s the best break in Port?

W: That’s pretty tough….Backwash.

D: Fuck off! LHB or BUST!


G: I don’t surf.

B: He’s from Mount Druitt, so that’s ok.

Dan: Where are you from?

G: I’m originally from Mt Druitt

B: He’s a KOOK!!! He was going to go out at Backwash but he got his salad tossed. He gave up bodyboarding cos we made fun of the way he carried his flippers

G: It’s true.

So…who still lives in Port Macquarie

W: Just me.

Where does everybody else live?

(Everyone laughs)

D: I live in Byron Bay…with my parents (laughter)

B: I live in Newcastle

G: I live in Newtown, with my girlfriend (wolf whistles)

You guys all live in totally different places…How is having a band going being so far away from each other?

B: Well, we don’t practice…at all

W: But we don’t get sick of each other because we don’t see each other so often.

B: I think I would prefer if we got to practice more often, but as we said before because we live so far apart we don’t have to deal with each other all the time, so we’re not going to get over it so quick.

So you’re more of a “professional” musician, would you say?

B: Whatever…(Everybody else laughs)

They talk about the fact that they lived together for almost a year and started to get pretty sick of each other. It rambles on a bit, so I’ll just skip that part

How’s the tour going?

W: Pretty good…first time we’ve done something like this, it’s great fun.

D: When we first started the band we never really thought anything would happen but now we’ve got a 7 inch coming out and we’ve been away for the last week and a bit

G: Tour’s going good, we’ve had decent responses pretty much everywhere except for Port. Port went to shit once we all left.

How about the show tonight?

The show tonight was awesome. Best vibe. It was just in the tiniest little kitchen. In some girls (Amy) kitchen. It was packed, it was fun and I Exist rule. Slowburn played Vocal Test…easily the best show of the tour.

Do you have anything more to add?

We should have a seven inch coming out at the end of the year. On Darken records. They do Conation, so they’re awesome. We need to write a few more songs and then we will record. Maybe we will be doing something on Craigos from The Seduction’s label later in the year.

And listen to Ghost Town.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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