
Published on June 13th, 2018 | by Daniel Boyle


Canberra Walks – Inner North Stroll

With a new baby on the scene, I haven’t really been able to get out and about for the Canberra walks. Today I went on a journey around the inner north area with the stroller.

What I was really hoping was to see the last drops of the autumn colours, but there was very little of that, as that season has already passed us by. The walk took in Hackett, Watson, Downer, North Lyneham, Lyneham and Dickson, completing a large circuit of the Inner North area of Canberra. It took a couple of hours, with baby sleeping most of the way.

We were lucky to escape the rain. I felt a couple of drips as I was heading from Lyneham to Dickson. As I started planning what to do to avoid a downpour, it seemed to disappear.

The photos have actually come in reverse order, but you could do this circuit anyway you like.

All the way along, you are getting glimpses of Mt Majura, Mt Ainslie, sometimes Black Mountain and some other times even further afield.


I was really quite impressed by the view here in the upper reaches of Lyneham. Must be quite a nice place to live, with kangaroos lazing in the nature reserve just over the road. I’m not sure why they needed a roller in the street though.

I had thought I had seen the spires poking up from the temple looking more golden than usual, from a long way off, but seems there is a new temple going up just down the road. There’s certainly a variety in that street. Ukrainian church, Buddhist temple, Catholic conference centre and more.

The bridge from North Lyneham to Lyneham gives a great view over a lot of the areas that I passed through on the walk. It has been quite a while since I have been out for a decent walk, excluding times when I have some issue with my bike and I need to walk home from work in the middle of the night.

Hoping to get some more walks done and also posted up onto the site, as I have noticed they are some of the most popular posts.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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