Bargain Basement Books
Went to Sydney yesterday for a meeting. I went up and back on the bus in the one day, it was a bit of a long day. I stopped in at that bookshop underneath central station, the one that sells books for low, low, prices.
Came in with a pretty good haul:
- Jack London- Tales of The Pacific
- Peter Anderson- Cons, Fools and Friends: 25 Years of Travelling The World
- Alison Muir Bennett- The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Oceans
- Paul Theroux- The Pillars of Hercules
- Nick Flynn- The Ticking Is The Bomb
- Joseph Conrad- Heart of Darkness & Tales of Unrest
- Rough Guide to Chile
- Daoud Hari- The Translator
- Simon Winchester- The River at The Centre of The World
I got all these for about $50, I was pretty happy with that visit. They are mainly books about people going around and about their travels. Maybe one day I will join those ranks…