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Published on October 6th, 2010 | by Daniel Boyle


A sticky situation…

Sticky have released their monthly zine correspondence.

Unfortunately I am a total jerk, forgot all about it and missed the deadline.
This is what you would have read.

Canberra Times, of zines.
Not much new in the zine world for me personally. The last month or so I have been working on a project for my Dad, it was his 50th birthday so I collected stories from his friends and families and put them together into a small book.
It turned out great and I presented it to him on Saturday night, it was kept a secret right until the last minute and everyone involved was very impressed. It turned out much better than I had planned actually. My original plan was to make a zine style, black and white, cut and paste, photocopy, but this turned out to be much classier.
I went to Melbourne a few weeks back, I picked up a bunch of zines from Missing Link. A few issues of Distort, The Negative Guest List and some others. To be honest I haven’t read that much of them, but I’m sure there’ll be various opininos on Sex/Vid and a glowing review of last week’s Extortion record.
For myself, there should be a new issue of Captial Eyes (Issue #9) out by the end of the week. It will feature Ruiner, To The North and Jerkstore. I have also started writing for the local street press BMA. I have done a couple of pieces that should be in the next issue, with Shihad and Despised Icon.
Unfortunately I missed the This Is Not Art zine fair, it would have been awesome, maybe next year.
I’m going to Sydney and Melbourne this weekend for the Alexisonfire/Break Even shows, it should be a whole lot of fun, I might make Issue #10 of Capital Eyes a write up of my experiences.
And to finish off on a personal note, last week I got engaged. Awww.
Until next time,
In other news on things I missed out on, the BMA email asked if anybody wanted to interview FRENZAL RHOMB. By the time I found out about, it had been snapped up already.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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