Zines in Nepal
Not so sure if I will be able to make it out to this location, but good to see there is some zine scene here in Nepal.
I found this website
Rai Ko Ris herstory/history:
Run an Infoshop since Dec. 2004 + now with a radical bookstore + publishing since Jan. 2010.
This may be one of the rare spots in Kathmandu holding feminist/queer/gay alternative literature + magazines, books + pamphlets on anarchism, d.i.y sustainable living, + socio-politico music magazines. Also available – our own zine Self Defense + the first translation of a text on anarchism from English to Nepali ‘Anarchism ke ho?’ (Originally from What is Anarchism compiled by Donald Rooum).
The Infoshop is located in a small village half an hour to 40 mins by public transport outside the city centre, north at the end of Kathmandu Valley in a place called Budhanilkanta (famous for the large reclining Vishnu statue + temple), + beside Shivapuri National Park. Thanks to the Ricecooker team in Malaysia, Irregular Rhythm Assylum in Japan, Francis of Love from Hate…the Philippines, Friesen Collective (Bremen, Germany), 1000 Fryd (Alborg, Denmark), Eef, Fort Van Sjakoo + ADM squat (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), and the band Cutter (Barcelona, Spain) + all those who know for all their support.
We try to open it in accordance with the arbitrary electricity schedule, our life + kids. Please contact us at raikoris@wlink.com.np for latest schedule.
S.Rai + O.Bertin also have also had alter egos in the bands Tank Girl, Reggae/Ska-punk outfit Naya