
Published on June 5th, 2021 | by Daniel Boyle


Vice Makes Hacky Sack Man Derrick Fogle Local Legend

Footbag Hall of Fame Member Derrick Fogle has been featured on a Vice series of Local Legends for the impact “Hacky Sack Man” has on the community.

As the “Hacky Sack Man”, Derrick Fogle has been an ongoing feature on campus in Missouri, particularly in places like Speakers Circle. A recent Vice profile has him as a “Local Legend”.

Something very impressive about the video was the way that Vice captures the positivity that the rest of the community feels for the “Hacky Sack Man”. Derrick Fogle is already a legend within the footbag community, having been inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1995 and more recently putting himself into the Guiness Book of World Records for distance travelled with a footbag. Fogle was an early pioneer in consecutive kicking, having previously held the world record for the 5 minute timed event.

In the clip, Fogle recommends people to “find your Hacky Sack” – find something you are completely interested in an immerse yourself in it.

There has been a very positive response from the student community. The other reason for his legendary status within the footbag world is he is still going at a strong level after playing for so many years.

Here’s to many more years of kicking for the legendary “Hacky Sack Man”.

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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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