Trussssssssst in me, trusssssssssssst in me…

This morning we asked at our hostel for some opinions about prices of getting around to a few places to have a look at. Nepal has a number of World Heritage sites, 3 of which we visited today. We were told a price, and our man said, if you trust me I will give you a good price.
We went down on to the street and found our own taxi for half the price on offer. Trust is a hard thing in travel, especially it seems in places like India and Nepal, and I’m sure we will find similar in the next countries we visit. Rather than being happy to chat to a stranger, it’s a wariness, not even of strangers, but even the people who are meant to be there to help you out.
I’ll keep all the many readers guessing on which places we went to, and add more to that tomorrow.