I guess I should finish what I started in regards to my recent trip. Better get it done before I fly away again. This time last year, I had never been overseas. Come August, I will be off on my fourth overseas trip. That’s a good stat. I have well and truly “caught the bug” and have a lot more planned as well.
The British Library I was not so impressed by, I was expecting another grand old building, but was faced with an ugly modern structure. The British Library is only a recent addition, around ten years old. They had an exhibition there called Magnificent Maps, I was keen to check it out, but I’ve got to say I was fairly underwhelmed by the exhibition, it just really didn’t interest me that much.
From there I went back to Dan’s, packed up my bags and made my way to Heathrow. Heathrow is probably the only airport that I’ve seen that has a great outside area. I played footbag in the courtyard there for quite some time. A little kid watched me for a while, I started chatting with him, he was moving to Brisbane.
I checked into my flight so I could get rid of my pack and spent the last of my pounds on beer and dinner. I boarded my flight with Qantas. Flights aren’t really exciting, so why bother talking about it. I’d just like to say, I probably had a more pleasant experience flying with Air Asia than with Qantas.
We stopped in Singapore a short while and I got in 30 minutes of footbag. Once again, it was just good to get the legs moving, get some blood flowing after sitting down for so long. After a slow start I actually started playing reasonably well. Next stop was Melbourne.
I arrived into Melbourne at about 5am, I had booked a trip to Brisbane to see Evergreen Terrace that night, but I wasn’t so sure I wanted to go anymore. Shai Hulud were also playing with I Exist in Melbourne that night, but that would mean waiting around for the whole day. I wanted to go home, that’s where I wanted to go and I didn’t want to spend anymore time in airporrts. I thought maybe I could go by train, so I went into the city and asked about that. Train was booked out.
I went onto the internet, and decided it was going to cost the same if I went home that day, or if I flew home from Brisbane the next day. After a wander round the city, I was back on the Skybus. I played some more footbag in the airport in Melbourne, then I had to wait a couple of hours in Brisbane for my friend Josh to pick me up.
I got some more uni work and some other writing done, so it was a productive time sitting down in the Brisbane airport. Josh cooked a steak, which tasted great. I went off to the Evergreen Terrace show. The tickets were more expensive than I expected, but at least it wasn’t sold out. I walked in midway through Dropsaw, their new stuff sounds even heavier, if that were possible. No one was really into though, just a few people headbanging at the front.
More people were into Casey Jones. All their songs sound exactly the same. People looked like they were having fun though. I stood about halfway up the back, hanging out for Evergreen Terrace to play. I moved over to sit on a small ledge once Casey Jones finished to make sure I got a decent spot. While I was sitting there, there were some fisticuffs around the merch desk, I have no idea what happened, but there were punches thrown. I filmed the opening song from Evergreen Terrace, “Enemy Sex”. Then I just watched the rest. It was a lot of fun, Evergreen Terrace are on of my favourite bands, especially in the live setting. I think this was the sixth time I’ve seen them, every time has been a really enjoyable experience. To top things off, they played Dear Livejournal, a song I don’t think I have seen them play before.
I got the last bus back to Josh’s place, got a good rest, finally in a bed, then he dropped me off at the airport the next morning. I got back into Canberra, I called Caroline to see if she wanted to kick that day, she come up with a better offer, a lift home. Sounded good to me.