New zine idea

Well I haven’t written anything about zines in this blog for some time and it’s been even longer since I made a zine. At the start of the year I said I wanted to get to issue #15 of Capital Eyes before stepping out of the country.
We fly off in just a few weeks and the last one I did was #12 for the Sticky Target 168 thing. That was a while back. I have a few ideas floating around my head. I may do a little travel zine about our recent times in Asia, which ended with me in hospital. Not such a feel good story. Another idea I have, which some may say is cheating, is to make a collection of the interviews I’ve done with just Canberra bands over the last few years. This could be a pretty good way to bow out from the Canberra scene and tell a few good stories about those times.
Off the top of my head, these are some interviews I have done with Canberra bands- 4 Dead, I Exist, Templestowe, Yoko Oh No, Super Best Friends, Jerkstore, Slowburn. Considering that I have been doing this for a few years, it probably should be a bigger number, but there’s not so much you can do about that. Let’s see if I can get that done, I have had a pretty productive night tonight, so if I can continue that form over the next couple of weeks, we’ll see what happens…
Speaking of zines, This Is Not Art (TiNA) is on this coming weekend. I met a girl last week who said hey you should go. I have to work and I don’t really have any money, so it’s not going to be an option at this stage. However, once we come back from Chile, that’s something I could do.