“Mr Hacky Sack” Writing Story of Footbag
John Stalberger, co-founder of the sport of Footbag has announced he will have a book coming out about his experience creating and developing not only a brand, but a sport in itself.
You can find out more information about the project on the official website or make a contribution to the project through Kickstarter. Aside from working on the book, Stalberger has started a regular series of interviews with Footbag legends, starting with Ken Schults.
With 45 World Championships to his name, what better place to start than the “Babe Ruth of Footbag”. Ken talks about how he got started, his influences from freestyle frisbee and playing now with his son as well as a look at the current state of Footbag.
The interviews will be a weekly fixture, featuring a who’s who of the development of the sport.
The book, as well as the interviews, will be a great chance to get the beginnings of the sport down on paper. We look forward to the end results.
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