
Published on December 22nd, 2020 | by Daniel Boyle


Footbag Scavenger Hunt – Open Level

As part of the 2020 Joulukalenteri, there is something a little different. A set of challenges created in the style of a Scavenger Hunt. There are three levels – Open, Intermediate and Recreational. See how many points you can get!

The challenge is supported by players Mike Toolan and Dante Diotallevi. You can see the content shared on The Paradox Symposium Instagram page below. The due date is January 15. You can submit entries with a Youtube video.

The hunt provides a wide mix, from combinations of kicks and flyers, which may sound easy, but provide an interesting challenges, right through to combinations of multiple dexes.

Open Level Scavenger Hunt


8 consecutive flying kicks (1 point)

Clipper kick ducking clipper kick (both sides) OR spinning kick both sides (1 or 2 points)

100 contacts of toe kick>op inside kick>op toe kick repeat (1 point)

40 alternating outside kicks or knee bumps (1 or 2 points)



200 alternating toe stalls (1 point)

150 alternating clipper stalls (1 point)

100 alternating inside stalls (1 point)

Sole stall>heel stall>sole stall both sides (no plant) AND/OR heel stall>sole stall>heel stall both sides (no plant) (1 or 2 points)



100 toe tiltless (no tricks repeated more than 3x in a row) (1 point)

25 toe guiltless (no tricks repeated more than 3x in a row) (1 point)

Double Around the World and Double Orbit both BSOS in the same guiltless string (1 point)

consecutive toe to toe triple dexes AND/OR 2 different toe to toe quadruple dexes (2 or 4 points)



28 contacts whirl war or rev whirl war or drifter war or grifter war (3 points)

15 contacts clipper to clipper tripless (No trick hit more than once in a row on a side) AND/OR 7 contacts clipper to clipper fearless (No trick hit more than once in a row on a side) (1 or 2 points)

Pick TWO of twirl both sides OR rotor both sides OR ripstein both sides OR swirl and rev swirl both BSOS in same string (1 point)

20 consecutive ripwalks or 20 contacts spin war or 20 contacts duck war (1 point)



4 consecutive unique flying stalls (1 point)

Pick TWO: Body roll x 5 (any part) OR pinch x 5 (knee, elbow and neck are acceptable) OR gyro toe x 5 OR stallberger x 5 (1 point)

3 different full symposium two dex tricks (must be two separate dexes with symp component; think pogo PS whirl or full symp atom smasher. Tricks like superfly or symp whirling swirl do not count) AND/OR string of 5 unique tricks where one foot never touches the ground (example: drifter>paradox drifter>gyro pickup>fairy muted clipper>pdx merlin) (1 or 2 points)

Toe gyro mirage/illusion>Toe spinning mirage/illusion repeat AND/OR Toe diving mirage/illusion>toe ducking mirage/illusion repeat (1 point)




75 guiltless contacts (no tricks repeated more than 3x in a row) (1 point)

10 unique symposium AND/OR 10 unique symple tricks (string has to be symposum or symple, no mixing) (each trick must have at least one dex) (1 or 2 points)

5 tricks incorporating knee bumps AND/OR flyers (Mixing allowed) (each tricks must include at least one dex in addition to the knee bump/flyer) (1 point)

5 consecutive unique triple dexes using any surface (1 point)




Picture of you with a footbag related sign (examples: trick/concept/other footbag related terms in business signs/car names/billboard etc) (1 point)

500 word essay on what footbag means to you (5 points)

Evidence of a minimum 10 Euro donation to Quantum Footbag Shoe Project Fund (1 point)

Picture of you with a footbag collection of at least 20 bags (2 points)


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About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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