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Published on November 14th, 1871 | by Daniel Boyle


Wounding With Intent – Mary Hockey

An interesting accident saw Mary Hockey sentenced two six months in jail for shooting a gun at her father, Enos Hockey.

It was published in the Newcastle Chronicle on Tuesday November 14, 1871.

The article is available on Trove.

Mary Hockey, 16, was charged with having,
on the 14th day of October, last, at Tomarong,
in the Shoalhaven district, feloniously, unlawfully,
and maliciously wounded Enos Hockey,
her father, with intent to do him grievous
bodily harm; a second count charged her with
unlawfully wounding him. Prisoner was undefended.
The particulars of this case have
been already published. His Honor, in sum-
ming up, pointed out to the jury, that there
was not a particle of evidence as to the sur-
rounding circumstances of the case; there was
no threat made by the father before the occur-
rence, and there was not, judging from the
evidence, sufficient cause for the commission
of the crime ; there was no quarrel between
them, and it would not be for the jury to sur-
mise that malice existed. The only thing that
was alleged to have taken place was the throw-
ing of a clod by the father on the day pre-
vious. It was clear that the prosecutor had
been wounded by the prisoner, but her expla-
nation was that she shot him accidentally, and
it would be for the jury to give her the bene-
fit of any doubt as to whether she did it with
the malicious intention of wounding him or
not. The fact that none of the shots went
below the mouth corroborated to some extent
the statement of the girl that she was firing
above his head. The jury retired for about
ten minutes, when they came into Court; with
a verdict of guilty on the second count, and a
strong, recommendation to mercy. Prisoner
was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment,
with labour, in Darlinghurst gaol.


Enos Hockey was the son John Hockey, convict.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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