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Published on October 19th, 2010 | by Daniel Boyle


Talking Tapes w/Jerkstore

This was a pretty weird interview. I think it’s the fact I did it with some guys that I knew pretty well, it was just an off the cuff thing, I was hanging around my local shops and Julian came by, he said the rest of the band were having a meeting, I suggest the idea of a zine interview.

We ended up talking for ages but it didn’t come out that well. What I’ve put into the zine was mainly a lot of talk we got into about tapes. Jerkstore are putting out a tape in the UK.
We did the interview in Tilley’s, inside. There was so much noise around, so in the tape you couldn’t always here what was going on.
I wrote down some of the ideas that came across:
Dan: What’s the plans for Jerkstore coming up?

Julian: Some band from Adelaide wants us to come and play with them…so maybe we’ll go to Adelaide.
This bloke Chaz, he’s from The Midlands in the UK. He’s going to put out this tape over there. There’s going to be 100 copies made.
When’s the tape launch tour?

J: Doesn’t look like we will manage a tour from the cassette sales.
Sean: Maybe one of us could go on a hype tour, just go around and play the tapes.
Pete K: We could just go to everyone’s house that buys it, give them a personal launch.
We’re going to do a slit 7 inch with Marathon sometime.
We’re going to play Electric Lake. It’s Warwick’s thing. It should be good. I like playing outside. It’s in the park, where punk in the park was. We’re at the bottom of the lineup though. There’s bands that have never played before above us.
You guys got any other bands going?

J: I might be doing something with Morgan (Dead Kings/4 Dead) and Alex (Hard Luck). Fast hardcore. Morgan wants it to sound like xfilesx
S: I’m in this pop punk supergroup. And Loveshy…we’re doing a demo tape. We might to a launch show of the tape.
J: You can’t launch a demo. That’s not on.
Have you guys been in any other zines before?

We’re having a track on a compilation in the next Nerf Jihad, Issue 10. I guess we’ve been mentioned a couple of times. The Hollow said they like us I think. We got a mention in that zine about Marathon. This is the first interview though. It’s one word, Jerkstore.
Do you think tape is making a big comeback?

P: There’s definitely something about it. There’s that whole nostalgia thing.
My friend…funnily enough, he lives in Adelaide now…that’s how I got into music. He played me a tape of TLC- Waterfalls. I later bought the tape off him because of the memories attached to it.
J: I was a bit young for buying tapes. I guess my first tape was a My Disco tape or something. Maybe this band called Rubber Baron, they were ok I guess. Oh, once my friend and I made a tape for my parents for Christmas. He played guitar, three power chords, I sung in this high pitched voice.
P: On a tape, it’s a bit more forgiving. The bias kind of covers up a lot of little errors that might come out a lot clearer on CD. We did a cover for the UK tape…it actually sounds horrible on CD, all the errors come out loud and clear. The tapes a bit more forgiving.
Maybe we should do a Radio Birdman cover for the Australian version.
Naomi: My first tape was probably a Straight Jacket one or something.
That’s a bit cool for a first tape. Mine was 100% Hits of 1996

Actually, I got a Savage Garden tape back when I was young, that would have been my first.
S: I once taped Spiderbait- Grand Slam and Regurgitator- Unit which I borrowed from the library.
I had those two on tape as well.

That’s all that I wrote in the zine, I’ve added a few more parts that came to mind as I was typing.

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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