Sticky Monthly Report
This was my monthly submission to the Sticky Institute report on all that’s going on in the zine world.
This month: What’s on in Canberra
Did you know the publication “This Week In Canberra” only comes out every three months? Controversial, I know.
The big news in Canberra is in just a couple of days time (by the time you read this it will actually be over, but this is the big one I’m preparing for), zinester will be a part of the Art world. The National Gallery of Australia as part of their “Space Invaders” street art exhibition are holding a zine fair in their newly refurbished building.
If you get a chance when in Canberra, definitely check out the gallery, it’s been doubled in size, has some amazing new indigenous art exhibits and the front of the building is no longer a monstrosity. Back to the zine world though, those excellent characters from the Sticky Institute have organised a large number of zinesters to come along to the fair, it will be a zines only event, don’t expect any cupcakes there. I have read varying numbers on how many stalls there will be, but 30 seems to be the number I’ve seen the most.
This will be only my second zine event, so I guess I will be a little more prepared than the first time around. You would hope so anyway. I’ve got a couple of new issues either finished or just about to be done. Capital Eyes issue 9 has interviews with Jerkstore, Ruiner and To The North, and my newest effort Issue 10, it’s about a recent trip I did to see Alexisonfire and Break Even in Sydney and Melbourne.
It was my Dad’s 50th birthday recently. I put together a little book for him. It’s a real testament to your character when this kind of thing reaches fifty pages. I got his friends and family to contribute stories. I’ve put one into my newest issue, it’s all about the Sydney punk scene circa 1977/1978.
Smith’s Bookshop in the city is starting to stock more and more zines, and they’ve even started to have some bands play inside the store. Check out their facebook page for more info. I’ve also started writing for the local street press, BMA. I had my first pieces published today, two on debut. Later in the year we might discuss whether writing for the street press is selling out on zine culture. Or we might not.
That’s all we have time for today.
Shine bright, baby shine bright