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Published on August 3rd, 2011 | by Daniel Boyle


Singapore, Day 2

So we woke up a bit late. Our dark cavern of a room only has a small window close to the roof so not really any idea of time. Below me the next bunk down (flimsy bunk), I think the bloke had a gay lover or something. (I think homosexuality as a matter of fact is one of many illegal acts in Singapore). Anyway, I don’t care about that, and I’m not sure if it was something that I just dreamed, but anyway, having two people underneath made things a bit rocky up the top, and you know that double bed at the last place was sounding real good.

We do have air con in the room which we haven’t had before in the trip. Anyway, enough about the hostel. It is called The Little Red Dot, which is what people refer to as Singapore, when looked at a world map.
We took a wander around the city, stopped at the National Museum of Singapore (free entry after 6pm). Something I was really impressed by was an exhibititon on the work of the cameraman Willie Phua who was from Singapore and filmed for 30 or so years for the ABC, capturing almost everything in Asian history in between.
It was mainly just wandering around, getting ourselves oriented, finding the train stations, getting lost again. We got ourselves very lost coming from the train station back to the hostel, what should have been about a 5 min walk ended up taking much, much longer than that.
We did walk past a stadium not far from here though…as we walked past (not sure what was on, I guess it was a soccer match, probably part of the S-League…but anyway, we’re walking and you don’t hear so much, and then the crowd ROARS as one, GOAL. (Roars like the Lion, Lion City/Singa Pura) or the Tiger (Beer or Air Company, the beer certainly has a better reputation…
Today we walked around more, went down Orchard Road for a while. Just before that I continued my plan of hitting 5 add tricks in front of famous locations. (Tomahawk, Istana Park).
Here’s the list:
Blurry Whirl- Petronas Towers, KL
Stepping Ducking Osis- KL Bird Park
Matador- Jonker St, Melaka
Ripped Warrior- Melaka Shoreline
Tomahawk- Istana Park, Orchard Rd, Singapore
Still have a few more tricks up my sleeve, but not enough to last 60 or so days, let’s see how we go with that!
Anyway, today we did more walking, plenty of it. We also caught a few trains, we got down to the Chinatown area after the shopping district. Talk about not my kind of scene oh yeah, one street with something like twenty shopping centres…No thanks.
In the Chinatown area I was looking for a certain bookshop (didn’t really know the name or address aside from street name, but I read about it in a zine report from a year or so ago, but I couldn’t find it. Did find another kind of gallery/stuff shop (a la itripiskip etc) (eg sellers of junk, sometimes including zines). Picked up “Pocket Rocket” it’s basically a paper plane zine. Also grabbed the free Juice Magazine and was very surprised to find an article on Black Flag of all things…
So now we are back at the hostel, it’s like 9pm, haven’t eaten any dinner yet, might head to the Hawker centre, those non airconditioned combinations of discomfort and cheap cheap food… and maybe a couple of beers for the road, but I would like to wake up early too, so let’s see how that all goes. I was reading a new book, a collection of things from Lester Bangs, and it dropped down the side of the bed, I wonder if it hit the guy below? Anyway, I wish my reading material was a bit more related to the areas we are going through. It would be good to be reading The Great Railway Bazaar, but I already read that so I can just think about that in my head. Too bad I didn’t find that bookstore today.
We also visited the Museum of Asian Civilizations today, very good stuff. Impressive collection of different things, mainly focusing on South East Asia, but they also have some of the terracotta warriors from China. Doesn’t seem quite as busy in the Little Red Dot today, but might get something to eat or something along those lines.
Back to KL tomorrow, hoping to get a bus at 8am so I can make it for a kick with the Malaysian Footbag crew, at 5pm at Maybank Bukit Bintang. After a quick browse of Hostelworld, seems we’re just as well staying at the same place as last time, saves time looking for directions to begin with. So off on the bus tomorrow. Bye bye Singapore. Don’t think I would really like to live here and probably wouldn’t go out of my way to visit again….let’s see how the beer goes down though…

About the Author

Founder of @sportslashlife. Australian living in Chile. Freestyle footbag player and passionate sports fan.

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